Uryuu Kamihate has had a rough start to life, but plans to forget it all by achieving his dream—matriculating into medical school. But when he arrives at his new foster...
Fifth season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. Goddess Festival—A fruit festival that brings the labyrinth city of Orario to life. Goddesses symbolizing fertility are...
Kurumi Mirai is in the first year of high school. She has enrolled in junior high section of the Redrun Magic School, the world’s only facility for mages that approved...
A depressed author. A concerned editor. An eccentric mushroom researcher. And a strange pink mushroom… that turns into a dog?! Put this all together and you get Mushroom Pup. Mushroom...
“Magical Girl”—A profession that undertakes the work of exterminating a kind of natural disaster called “Kaii.” Kana Sakuragi, a female college student who struggles with job hunting, is picked up...