Coding for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

It is possible that we are students in a school, it is possible that we are college students, we are also coming from a B.C.A. background, we have to prepare for placement. Or we are in general, for freelancing, we want to learn something like web development, app development. Or we are a working professional, already doing some job. If you come under any of these categories and you have a desire to learn coding, then this video is made for you. By watching this whole video, you can understand exactly how you should learn coding first thing we will talk about is an ideal path ideal path is a 4 step path we will talk about these 4 steps in this video you have to follow these 4 steps and with the help of these 4 steps you can become a good coder first step is what to learn means that we should know how to code.

Second part is languages. Different languages are used for coding. There are many languages in coding. If you want to make a website then there are different languages. If you want to make an app then there are different programming languages. If you want to make a game, then different programming languages. So, according to our goal, we should know which language we need, which tools we need, what will be our learning path.

The third thing will be to learn the basics. Once we have learned the basics, then we will start implementing things. And the fourth thing after learning the basics will be to build a project. Usually, after learning anything in coding, we implement a project so that we get practical knowledge. So these are the four steps that we are following to learn coding. Let’s talk about the first step in detail What to learn? It is possible that we have different motivations to go into coding. We have seen a game and now we are thinking that I can also make very good games. I have a lot of ideas in my mind and I also learn.

Or if we want to start our own business, we want to make our own website. If we want to start up our own app, or we want to see how apps are made before hiring app developers. So, there can be different motivations for this. The first motivation can be that we are preparing for college placements. It is possible that we are a B.Tech, B.C.A student who has come in 3rd or 4th year, or in the early years of our college and we want to see what we have to study for placement.

We want to make apps for iOS, I am iOS Android Website Data Science Machine Learning Game Development Software Development Fun Coding School Boards Term 1 is over, lets explore Term 2 I am thinking of exploring before the preparation of term 2 Let’s see coding, we want to learn some things in it So we can learn different types of coding Now what will be the languages to learn coding If we talk about placement, I will recommend two best languages for Indian placement Which is Java and C++ Now C++ course is already on the channel, Java course is ongoing and it is going on you can follow that if you are interested in any of these two the benefit of this is because these core concepts will teach you these two languages if you are in B.Tech or B.CA some students have doubt that do I have to learn both languages not at all, you have to master one language very well so for placements you can prefer C++ or any one of the Java some students prefer Python that is also not a wrong decision.

But again, it is better to prefer one of the two. Second thing is that if you want to go to iOS, that is, if you want to make apps for Apple, you can use a language like Swift. If you want to make Android apps, you can learn Java or Kotlin. If you want to go to websites, we have a lot of options. For the front end, we can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

For backend, we can learn Node.js framework, we can learn Django framework. Node.js uses JavaScript, Django uses Python. You don’t need to learn both, one is enough. Or if you are running old apps on PHP, you can learn PHP. If we want to go into data science, we can learn Python, R or MATLAB. Python is one of the best, one of the best option.

If you are confused which one to learn, then definitely go for Python. If you want to go for game development, then you can learn C++ or C Sharp. I have already made a video on game development, you can go and see that. What are the resources in machine learning? How to learn from free resources? What will be the process of becoming a data scientist? There is a video on that too, you can go and see that too. For websites, our whole web development course is almost complete.

There are a lot of things in the back and front end. So you can go and explore that. Now let’s talk about software development. So this category is for those people who are already working somewhere if you are working somewhere and want to shift to software development job then we can learn languages like Java, C Sharp or Go and can shift our job it will take us minimum 3 to 6 months to learn these languages but it is important to put time so that we can excel in our field while coding and along with that once we want to master the language, then it takes 1 to 2 weeks to learn another language.

So, we have to learn one language very well. After that, if we want to do coding for fun or for school, I will not recommend you to leave your board, NEET, IIT, JEE or any other exam preparation and start coding. But yes, if you want to explore it as a hobby for fun, you can learn from Python or JavaScript. Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial Python tutorial and it will be easy to learn in the initial stages Next thing is what is the meaning of learn basics when I am saying that we have to learn basics of any language then what is the meaning of it?

it means that variables, if-else, loops, arrays these are some topics which we have to learn in every language so by learning these four topics we can learn any language completely from basics next or last step will be to make a project. We have to make a project using the language we have learned. We have to make a simple project. In fact, if you are preparing for placement, you will have to make a project to put in your resume. There are many videos on resumes. So you make a simple, good project.

Start small and once you have made a good project, you can go to complex projects. to If you want to make an app, then make an app in which you open the app in the beginning, then you can see a coin and it falls by tossing the coin and head or tail comes. If you start with such small projects, then coding will be easier for us. In the initial stages, there will be a lot of problems. You may need a lot of resources when you have problems, so I have already made videos for them. I have made a video that which websites you should know if you are a coder apart from that there is another video in which learning path is told what is a coder why many people quit coding in the beginning of the month if you are starting coding then definitely watch that video so that we keep a clear path in our mind that we don’t have to quit next thing we will talk about is what are our reasons to code a very good quote which I know It says that motivation gets you started but discipline keeps you going Now the first part I like the most is that you start because of motivation So never forget your motivation Because coding can be a little difficult in the beginning few months But if you keep on doing it, you will be able to become a very good coder.

For that to stay, we need to keep our motivation in mind. Everyone has different motivations. It is possible that we want to learn coding with an interest. We have seen our friends coding, we have explored a little bit in school, college, job. And now we want to learn coding full time. The second thing is that we want a high paying job. Now many of us would have heard that there are companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft in coding and tech which give big packages. And for these packages, we don’t know exactly what route to take, but we know that we are going for a high-paying job in tech, so we will prepare for it.

The third reason could be that we were already working in a job and now we want to adapt to the market. It is possible that we were for the testing profile in the industry and now we want to shift to software development profile. So in this way, we are learning coding to adapt to the market that is going on in the jobs house. We can have many more different reasons, but we have to keep those reasons in mind and those reasons will help us decide what exactly we have to learn in coding. After this, I would like to end with a very good quote, which I have mentioned this before, motivation gets you started but discipline will keep you going. We already remember motivation, we are starting from that and we will make a discipline.


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