Exploring the Mysterious Objects Seen on Mars and Moon

Looking at the countless stars shining in the sky in the dark of the night, a thought comes to all of us, that are we alone in this universe? Is there not a single one of these millions of stars and planets in which life is found like earth? If for a moment it is assumed that in this universe there is only earth where life is found, then this is also not accepted by the human mind does not accept. And then we think that if life is really only on Earth, then what is the purpose of these millions of shining stars?

Is life found in other planets in space or not? If it is found, then how do those aliens look and how do they spend their lives? To find out this, NASA decided to go to the moon first because the moon for the first time in 1968. The spacecraft was called Apollo 8 and its mission was to orbit the moon and return. Apollo 8 also had three astronauts were the first humans to see the Earth rise. Just like we see the sun set and sun rise, they saw the Earth rise and this beautiful scene was also taken by Apollo 8 for the first time.

In the next year of this mission, that is, July 1969, NASA’s spacecraft Apollo 11 landed on the moon for the first time on the moon. And Commander Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walked on the moon for 2 hours and 15 minutes and left for Earth with soil samples. NASA says that because there is no wind on the moon and there is no oxygen there, that’s why there are still traces of astronauts’ shoes. No one saw an alien during NASA’s Moon mission, but the satellite orbiting the moon, which continuously sends us photos of the moon, has seen a lot.

Alien researcher Scott C. Waring believes that there have been many such spots in the photos of the moon published by NASA where there is a risk of underground aliens. In the photos published by NASA, they marked a spot on the moon where a strange and strange building was visible. Scott believes that this thing is very different from all other things visible on the moon and it does not look normal in any way. When Scott published his research, it was difficult to believe what happened next.

A few days later, when NASA updated the photos of the moon, the building-like object had disappeared. The squad believes that if there is no activity on the moon, then how did this building-like object disappear from here? Either NASA has edited that spot and hidden it, or there is really some alien activity on the moon. It’s not just about the structures seen in a few photos. Scientists have found a large area on the dark side of the moon, that is, the side that we do not see from the Earth, which is much different from the rest of the moon.

This area looked different, but it is made of a metal. Scientists believe that about 400 billion years ago, a very large asteroid collided with the moon, the moon would have broken into two pieces. They believe that this part of the moon made of metal can also be a sign of the underground alien civilization present here. Apart from the moon, if we talk about Mars, also known as the Red Planet, is about 40 million km away from Earth. But every two years, there comes a day when Mars gets much closer to Earth. And that day, this distance is only 6.2 million km. This distance is not that much less. It takes 7 months for all the robots sent from Earth to Mars to reach there. Out of 21 robots sent to Mars, 17 robots crashed during landing, while only 4 robots successfully landed there and are still on the mission.

All the pictures of Mars sent by these robots have shown many strange objects. Alien researcher Scott C. Waring says that we have received such information from Mars that it would not be wrong to say that life is also found on Mars. He said that he has seen small pyramids in Mars photos. That is, the pyramids that have created a big mystery on Earth, similar small-sized pyramids have also been seen on Mars. Many stones can be seen in a photo of the Curiosity rover on Mars, but one stone in these stones looks the most different, which looks exactly like a pyramid.

It seems that someone has made this small pyramid here, but who? The Scott has believed that there are small-sized aliens on Mars who have made these small parameters. The Greocity rover, which cost NASA $250 million to build, has sent thousands of photos after landing on Mars. Most of the photos show only rocks and mountains, but there are some photos that have raised a lot of questions on the internet. Because there is something abnormal in these photos was captured by Viking 1 in 1976, in which a huge face can be seen on Mars. Either it is a coincidence or like ancient Egyptians used to make huge statues, the same way aliens have also made this monumental statue on Mars.

In this photo, NASA says that this is a huge mountain on Mars, which is visible due to the light and shadows. In 2014, another Curiosity rover picture caused a stir, in which a bone was also seen on Mars. Looking at this bone, it seems like it is a very old bone of a small-height alien that has become like a bone due to the fast winds. Let’s assume that this is not a bone. But in this photo from March 2016, a whole skull was also seen. As soon as this photo was released, a new discussion began on the internet. Alien researchers are sure that Mars is definitely a mess. Either there is a mess of aliens or it used to be. And this has been proven by NASA’s research that there was a life on Mars at some point. It was not clear from this alien brain that another photo of Mars Curiosity Rover made a fuss.

In this photo, a stone was seen that looked like fish on the earth. A rock that looked like a fish from top to bottom and what is it doing on Mars, millions of kilometers away? The information received by the rovers on Mars has proven that 3 billion years ago, Mars was green like the earth. And here we have also found signs of big oceans. And it is also believed that these oceans are still frozen under the Mars, which is being further investigated. In 2014, the Mars rover captured a photo at night, which cannot be denied that there are aliens on Mars. Because in this photo, alien researchers say that this is the proof of alien activity on Mars. We humans are saying that Mars is a barren planet, what is the real truth, it is very difficult for us to know.

Many photos have been captured on Mars in which statues have been seen. In this photo captured in 2018, the stone-made statue was clearly seen, while in a 2015 photo, a female statue was also seen on a distant mountain. Alien researcher Scott Waring has said on his YouTube channel that the more research is being done on Mars, which looks like the color of other stones due to the clay on top. Either it is an engine or a broken part of an alien UFO. Or it is nothing more than a stone.


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