Introduction To JQuery A JavaScript Library

This post deals about how to work on Introduction to JQuery A JavaScript Library and how easy JQuery when comparing JavaScript

What is JavaScript Library?
JavaScript library is a short programming language. it was developed using JavaScript. JQuery makes everything easy and fast, no need of writing long long statements declarations manipulation it s everything easy by the JQuery .

How Jquery is easy comparing JavaScript?
Jquery has inbuilt functions and declarations keywords to make easy to declare them on web page Jquery is a client side library framework. instead of using JavaScript you can use JQuery.

Here is a practical Example showing Jquery easy comparing JavaScript:

<div id=”takeme”>I’m lengthy for JavaScript; Easy in JQuery</div>
var taken = document.getElementById(‘takeme’).value;
// in JQuery the same will be little easy
var taken = $(“#takeme”).val();
Basics Of Jquery and Practical Implementation of JQuery, The Practical implementaion of JQuery is easy. just you need to add a Script CDN(Content Delivery Network) link to your page and you can use Jquery in your web page.
//js CDN file
<script type=”text/JavaScript” src=”

By adding this to your TOP HEAD section of your HTML you can start using this JQuery service inside as well as out side reference JS file. if you dont have live internet connection to your computer then just download the JQuery file from here and Decompress it just put the reference link of downloaded js file location and you can start offline.

Eg: if you download the reference file and decompressed file of jquery. if you put it on Assets folder of your web directory the link will be like Assets/jquery.js put this on src place of script tag.

if you face any problems while installtion comment here..

Jquery is similar to JavaScript so thoes who mastered JavaScript can get Jquery easily. also thoes who
beginners for these 2 languages also can learn this simply fast.

I hope this article was helpful in understanding basics of Jquery and Installation part ..
in next parts we’ll discuss about Jquery AJAX and more on Jquery stay tuned


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