Introduction To PHP Server Side Scripts

In this article we’ll discuss about PHP programming Server side scripting language and how to develop server side back-end using PHP Server Side Scripting:

Server side scripting is a development process in web application. It deals with Web server manipulating resources Database servers and sending useful information to client by hiding the internal architecture and logics behind a website so that the website can be a User friendly and Web Security.

There are many server side scripts. but i prefer PHP is a best language other than ASP .NET 

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor):

Hypertext Preprocessor (earlier called, Personal Home Page) PHP. It’s a Server side Script Open Source language that means you can use that in your website for no cost. It’s very lite looking language that is running on Apache web server But it’s very strong and powerful language. It is easy to develop website back-end with PHP so many developers use this language to develop website back-end as well as some of the RESTful frameworks and MVC also developed by this language.

How PHP is best for server side development?

It’s best because it runs freely on Apache server no other dependency is required to develop PHP. PHP has vast library of extensions. and easy to use and implementation is also easy. Flexible language It is platform diverse it can be run on many OS and web server without any dependencyjust apache server is enough to run.

The only one language which is highest used in development of MVC frameworks and RESTful is nothing but PHP 

Starting up with PHP basics:
if you want to use PHP in your development its just easy …

Windows Users:

You can download XAMPP console which contains all the PHP library and Apache server with Mysql database Filezilla FTP client Download and run the .exe executable follow NEXT button read instructions and get it after you get Console just press start button to start apache server .


Just go to terminal and start apache2 service.

Service apache2 start

If you don’t have the Apache server in linux you can run this command to get apache server
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install php7.0 php-common php-json also you can get XAMPP for Linux clients you can download and install that same in Linux
to Run your first Linux script windows users can go to xampp folder find in C drive or installation path which you’ve specified while installing and find htdocs folder in it create a file with extension .php write the php file
Linux users can find it on location /var/www/html/

PHP limiters:

<?php ?> thease are the PHP limiters that you can use to write PHP code. PHP code only executes if you write in between this limiters you can embed HTML inside php or also PHP inside HTML using this PHP limiters.
Eg: <?php echo “Hellow world”; ?>

PHP variables:

There is no such keyword like Javascript has var for variable. you can directly write a PHP variable using $ sign before word eg: $variable

Try this PHP code in your system to test variables and echo keyword to open the file in browser just go to localhos/yourfilename.php

$name = ‘john doe’;
//variable declaration in php is easy just $ sign before word
echo ‘myname’. $name;
$name = ‘john doe’;

echo $name;
echo $name . ‘ <br> ‘;
//echo is used to show output to web page
echo ‘my name is’. $name . ‘<br>’;
/*Comments in php */

I hope this article is helpful in understanding PHP variables and limiters server side scripts stay tuned for further updates


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