The Impact of Science on Alive Life: Is It Making Us Feel Alive Again?

There is no doubt that whoever has come to this world, has to die one day. Not just humans, but anyone, whether alive or dead, has to leave this world. Will it ever be possible for a human or any living being to deceive death? Will science ever be able to advance so much that it can revive a dead person or make him immortal. You will be surprised to know that a company in America is already working on this project. That is, the formula for deceiving death is being worked on very quickly. Welcome to Zem TV’s videos again. Viewers, just as the design of an airplane is called aeronautics, Electronic devices are called Electronics Robots are called Robotics Similarly, the hope of preserving the dead body of a human being and bringing it back to life is called Cryonics Experts are hopeful that medical science will advance enough in the next 50 or 70 years to prevent human death to stop the human from dying or to revive the dead human.

That’s why the people who want to be alive again after death and they have so much faith in medical science for them, there is a head office of Elcor in Scottsdale, Arizona. From the outside, this office looks like a normal office, but in the center of the building, you can see a strange and strange scene. In these big containers of stainless steel, about 300 dead bodies are present, and 33 pet animals have also been frozen here in the hope of being alive again. Here, the team of Alcor believes that these people are also normal people, just their heart does not beat and they are sleeping for a long time.

Apart from this, every part of their body is in perfect condition. We can also say that time has stopped for these 300 people for the next many decades. After 70 years, if medical science really succeeds in reviving them after 70 years, they will be revived in their future, as seen in science fiction movies like Time Machine or Time Travel. These containers are so cold that the world’s coldest areas are not even in Antarctica. The temperature inside the containers is minus 196 degrees Celsius, which is controlled by a computer 24×7.

And backup generators are also present in case of power outage. In a large container, there are 4 full body patients and 5 neuro patients, i.e. only their heads are present. Yes, this small container is made only to freeze the head and face of a human. Out of 300, 116 patients have only had their heads frozen, in which their brains and all the memories and data in them are 100% safe. Cryonics researchers believe that when they are brought back to life, their brains and face will be theirs, while their remaining body parts will be artificial. They will remember everything before they die and they will be able to use their brain in the same way as a normal human being.

Their artificial body will receive signals from their brain and their artificial heart will pump blood in the same way as a real heart does. But the question is how is this possible? Cryonics is not as simple as we think. Just putting the body in liquid nitrogen will not work. In fact, it is a full process and very costly. To get the full body cryoprotected for 50 years, it costs $2,20,000, that is, approximately Rs. 1,65,000,000.

And if someone just wants to get their head cryoprotected, then he has to pay $80,000 before his death, which is about Rs. 60 lakhs. After accepting the conditions, when all the documentation is completed, the patient’s name is now included in the waiting list of Alcor. Waiting list means that Alcor’s team of doctors is now waiting for the patient to die. Yes, a remote team of doctors who are on call 24 hours a day as soon as they get the news that the patient is about to die, they immediately go to the hospital and start their special arrangements.

Immediately after the patient’s death, he is brought to the Alcor facility within an hour and cryoprotection process is started on the body. Experts believe that the sooner the process is started on the body, the higher the chances of it being revived. But what is the process that is very important to revive it? After death, the heart of a person stops and the flow of blood also stops in the veins. When the blood supply to different parts of the body is not sufficient, the parts start failing one by one.

From the time of death to the time of cryoprotection, the patient’s blood flow is necessary so that the blood can reach the brain and organs. For this, a mechanical pump is installed on the chest of the patient which artificially pumps the blood to the body parts. But the matter does not end here. After this, the real action starts in the operating room. Here, all the blood from the patient’s body is taken out with the help of a pump and a special chemical is put back in the body instead of that blood. It is important to understand that 60% of the human body.

If it is added to liquid nitrogen, the water in the body cells will become crystal and the body cells will break. And then they cannot be repaired. According to Alcor doctors, to keep the patient’s organs in good condition, antifreeze liquid is added to the veins and then the body temperature is slowly dropped. The freezing point of normal water is 0 degree Celsius and the freezing point of antifreeze liquid is minus 100 degree Celsius.

The advantage of this is that when the body temperature is dropping, the organs freeze before this special antifreeze liquid. The body temperature drops to a point where it turns into a glass like stone. At this point, the body is put in a liquid nitrogen tank where it can be preserved in minus 196 degree Celsius forever. The entire body takes 12 hours to cryoprotect. While patients who have chosen to preserve only their heads, doctors have to undergo a 6-hour procedure. After cryoprotecting the brain, it is also put in a container and placed in a nitrogen tank.

While passing through these containers, it feels as if you are passing through a graveyard. It is hard to believe that with the help of new technology, she will be brought back to life. Outside every container, the patient’s photo is also put inside and her family can visit her regularly. Anita Riskin, who is from California, is also one of these patients. Anita had cancer in different parts of her body and she knew that she could not live for long. So, she registered herself in Alcor in the hope of reviving herself. In the last days of Anita’s life, she gave many TV interviews and even gave permission to shoot the cryonics. With the hope that in the coming years he can meet his partner again in this world. We have seen a concept of cryonics in science fiction movies like Captain America and Star Wars.


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