The Tesla Robot: Who Can Help and Who Can Not Destroy It?

Yesterday, 28th December, we have some shocking news. On 11th November, 2021, Tesla’s factory in Giga, Texas, which is the second largest building in the world, there was an incident that no one in the world knew about. Like every day, robots were working in the Giga, Texas factory with some factory workers. But suddenly, a robot attacked an engineer. But this incident happened in 2021 and no one was even told about it. Today, on 28th December, 2023 a report from Daily Mail revealed that a few days before this, Tesla had released its robotics. It had unveiled its Optimus Generation 2 which was running like a human for a long time. It was doing action and dance. Many people were shocked to see this. These robots are doing this and a little bit…

What’s happening? To put it simply, Tesla is growing very fast in the industry of robots. But Daily Mail has reported that many times due to these Tesla robots injuries have also occurred. And everywhere Tesla’s AI robots are spreading. Tesla’s AI robots are taking lives. They are shooting weapons here and there. They are bleeding. They are dangerous. Someone has beaten someone up. And everywhere the same photo of AI robots everywhere Now how much is true and how much is false Will AI and robots destroy humans? What was Elon Musk’s reply to this? We will tell you everything in this video

If I tell you honestly your brutal malfunction. Honestly, I remember the movie Rajnikanth’s robot movie from 2006. I don’t know if you know, but in 2016, the world’s most popular robot, Sophia, which you must have seen in many videos, was asked a question. Will you destroy humans? The robot replied, Please say no. Okay, I will destroy humans. And she said okay and shocked the world. But let’s talk about Tesla now. On 28th December, Daily Mail posts an article. Tesla Robot Attacks an Engineer. Whoever reads the title of this article will think that a robot has attacked a human. But the actual story is something else. This robot was basically called KUKA Robot Arm. Which looks like this. Which is essentially a mechanical arm. It is basically a robot arm used in industrial factories which was made by KUKA Robotics and this company has been making industrial robots since 1898 This robot arm is used by a maximum of big companies Ford, BMW, Samsung, Apple, Sony, Amazon, Nestle and many Indian companies like Mahindra, Tata, Bajaj, Voxcon, Dabur, Reliance in all such big factories are using the same arm. Maximum companies use it to automate or to get work done.

Any work that is done precisely where a human hand is not accurate. Or any heavy work that a human can’t do like lifting big pieces of metal. So first of all, it’s clear that this is not a human type or a robot like Tesla’s Optimus. This is a mechanical arm But in the maximum article you will find Tesla Robot which is clearly wrong Elon Musk has confirmed it But now let’s talk about the injury which was caused by this mechanical arm This is not the first time that someone has been injured by a mechanical arm This has happened before The Marysu has also covered an article on this and many articles have written that this is not the only case that happened in Tesla factory. There have been many cases like this before. Due to which, even death is possible, let alone injuries. But is this a factual thing or not? We don’t know yet. They are just claiming it. In 2015, an engineer died in a Volkswagen plant in Germany. Due to the same mechanical arm. And Fortune had also reported that in the last 15 years and it sounds very common But this case wasn’t as brutal as the one in Tesla’s Gigafactory This case in 2021 was something like this Basically, an engineer was working and suddenly a robotic arm attacks the engineer from behind which causes a minor injury to his back and left hand and it wasn’t as brutal as it is said everywhere. That he took it in his grip and beat it up. He did a lot of different things. The engineer was able to get rid of the robot but a little blood fell on the floor. Tesla has also said that this accident and injury was not that big because the engineer came to work the next day without taking a day off.

I found this a little weird because it’s a real story, but you’ll find a lot of spice in it. Different pictures of robots are put up, that these robots are hitting people, AI is killing people, these robots are dangerous. And Elon Musk has also replied to this. I’ll tell you in his words. Truly shameful of the media to dredge up an injury from two years ago to a simple industrial KUKA robot arm which is in all factories and imply that it is due to Optimus now. Elon Musk says that such injuries happen in every factory. Why that it is due to Optimus now? For engineers, many companies like Tesla, as I said in 2018, compared to 2016, machine related injuries have reduced by 25%. I reported on 10th October, 2030, that they train their engineers with good training and protective clothing. And keep bringing new policies for the workers. But I personally felt weird because everywhere I read the news that Tesla’s AI robots are taking over the world, beating people up, taking their lives. I was scared. So I had to do some research and find out the truth. But let me break it down for you. Whenever a new tech comes out, you get scared. And you face a lot of problems. New technologies come out anytime. In the 1880s, when the first car was invented, there were its positives and also its negatives. A lot of people were able to travel for hours in minutes.

But some people got injured in these car accidents Like it was reported in 1917 After cars came, almost 7100 accidents were seen Because of these cars And still accidents are happening due to cars and bikes So the simple meaning of this is Whatever new tech is introduced It has its positives and negatives So if I tell you a little breakdown of this Before cars came, people used to get into accidents with horses But not with robots Robots were not blamed for accidents, it was the horses And even before the horses came, when we went to the jungle alone, we used to get eaten by lions There were accidents even before and after cars But after cars, the way of accidents have changed Like you can’t eat a lion or cheetah while sitting but the other car driver can hit you But after listening to all this news everyone is wondering that in the last few years AI is in trend AI will destroy humans AI will take humans jobs AI will take humans jobs I am telling you the truth AI can be used for wrong purposes and many AI robots will take our jobs Recently, the founder of OpenAI Sam Holt was also fired from the company because some board members said that Sam and other companies were planning something that could endanger the lives of humans.

This is called Q-Stark AI. Even after knowing all this, OpenAI and some government of the countries started making a board that will take care of big AI companies like the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence HLEG and many A-boards will see that they are not making AI or robots that can kill humans but if we talk about facts, there has not been any such incident yet because it has not developed yet and they have not yet come up with enough brains to cause us harm But in the name of AI and robotics, people have concerns. I have seen this in big organizations and in countries. There are some things where job displacement and human rights are at risk. Like designers, copywriters, etc. But there is no indication that these technologies are causing harm. AI and robotics have the potential to improve our lives like education, health, industries and many other things But because of AI, hours of work is done in a matter of seconds People are earning millions of dollars because of AI Big industries and engineers are benefiting from these robots Like when big CEOs were asked whether they would destroy AI humans or not You will be shocked to hear their answer Elon Musk gave this answer

See, AI is very goal oriented Like there was a robot in the letter and the letter, right? So, if a goal is given to the robot, if no human is coming in the middle of that goal, then nothing will happen to the human. But if a human is coming in the middle of that goal, then it will definitely harm the human. And if we talk about jobs, AI is taking people’s jobs. Jobs for which humans have to put a lot of time and effort. AI is doing it in minutes. And I think it’s a good thing, right? When AI will do all the basic work, we will have a brain job. New jobs are invented. A lot of jobs are done and a lot of jobs are created with the help of computers. And with the help of AI, we will be able to do things that we never thought of. So, the more scary AI and robotics sounds, the more scary they are. But, along with that, they are as strong and as good as well. And according to me, the positive side of tech is always bigger than the negative side. And that’s why tech is moving forward. That’s why the internet, AI, cryptocurrencies, all the things that have no side effects, that have no wrong things, but their positive things are so much that the negative things are not even visible. I hope you guys are also more scared. Let’s put our hands on AI and all the new technologies and do next level things. Let’s put our hands on AI and all the new technologies and do next level things. Let’s go!


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