Unraveling the Mystery of Boats Found in the Egyptian Desert

From the construction of the Giza pyramids to the modern helicopters and yachts in the hieroglyphics written thousands of years ago, Egypt’s land is full of such mysteries that human intelligence is stunned. About 550 km from Cairo, one of the ancient cities of ancient Egypt is known as Abydos. On one side, the Nile River flows 11 km away, and on the other side, there is only sand. It was 1988 when a strange thing emerged from the sand due to a storm.

It was a very rough structure made of wood, which had been badly damaged by the earthquake. To find out the truth, the archaeological team started digging in 2000. This was a very careful digging because even a small mistake could damage the structure. The object that came out of the sand was not an ordinary structure but a 70-foot long boat. What was the use of this single boat in the middle of the desert in a row. and they were afraid that if they did so, these boats would break and a big mystery would remain incomplete. Only a few samples of wood were enough to find out that the boats are 5000 years old, that is, 500 years older than the Giza Pyramid.

But this one answer was not enough to solve this mystery. After a while, with the help of the latest sonar scanning technology, archaeologists were able to make a 3D model of the entire area without touching it. The 3D model that was made after scanning looks something like this. This is considered to be the oldest sheep in human history. 60 to 70 feet long boards, which look like they have been carefully paralleled to each other. The first thought that comes to mind when looking at the place where these boats are standing is that was it the bank of the Nile River in that era? Experts, upon seeing this, refused to believe this, because if these boats would have flown along the river bank, they would have been in an incomplete position. These are standing straight, which means they were brought here and erected. Besides this, archaeologists also examined the surrounding landscape.

But it was not clear from anywhere that the Nile River used to pass through here. So, who owned these boats? And if they did not flow into the river and reach here, then why were they brought to the desert? was discovered when the bows of the boats were reconstructed using 3D graphics. These were not ordinary boats but rowing vessels that were operated by 30 people using a jib, like the raft boats of today. If you look at their design, the wooden boards were made by joining them with ropes with great skill. Archaeologists say that they look very different and advanced from the boats of that time. Wooden boards are cut at a particular angle from inside and it seems that they were made like this just to look beautiful. Only one person in ancient Egypt could have kept such boats and that was the ancient Egyptian king, Pharaoh. Only the king had the power to throw the state of the art boats of that era in the desert like garbage. But the question is why was it kept in the desert? To solve the mystery of the Abydos Boats, Egyptologists started scouting the surrounding area. The place where this boat is buried, has a very large destroyed structure of clay bricks.

Experts believe that this huge structure is a symbol of ancient Egyptian worship where they worshipped their god, Pharaoh. There were often events here because they found clay vessels in which they used to put food and alcohol. The carbon dating of these vessels also indicates that they were made in the same period in which these 14 boats were built. Now the Egyptologists were convinced that the 14 boats had some connection with this structure. When these boats were closely examined, they found a sign that was going to be a breakthrough for this discovery. Bricks made of clay were found around the boats. The brick wall was made according to the curve of the boat as if they were made for special boats. This wall was not only on the sides of the boats but there were also such poles underneath them. Now when there are poles on all three sides then there must have been poles on the top of the boats which have now fallen over time and become rusted. With the help of 3D graphics, when the poles were placed on the top of the boats then it started to look like this. the and it was shining from far. Let me tell you that when pyramids were newly built, they had the same white plaster on their top layer. Archaeologists have found many evidences which shows that ancient Egyptians used white limestone plaster for beauty. After limestone plaster, pyramids also shone like pearls in the desert. Archaeologists have solved the mystery of Abydos boards to a great extent after many years.

One thing was confirmed that these boats did not come here by flowing in the Nile River. Their advanced design is evidence that they belonged to an ancient Egyptian king and they were placed in the coffins of the Hints. Now the only question was why they were placed in the coffins. why the boats were buried. Only 1.5 km away from here, there is a tomb of an Egyptian king where he is buried after his death. Surprisingly, this tomb was also built in the same period in which the boats and the utensils in the sanctuary were made. Not only Pharaoh’s mother was buried in this tomb, but also the close companions of Pharaoh were buried in the small boxes That too, on the same day when the King died. Yes, all his close associates in the King’s honor, they too, by giving up their lives, decided to leave this world with their Pharaoh, their God. They believed that to make the journey after death easier, with the king, all his wealth, his goods and even his servants were buried with him.

The boards were also placed in the coffins with such grandeur to make the afterlife of the same king easier. This is a custom that has been noticed in the tombs of later Egyptian pharaohs. Most of the Egyptian pharaohs’ tombs have been looted and many may still be hidden in the sand. In 1922, in the Valley of the Kings, King Tutankhamun’s tomb was found many feet below the ground, which somehow managed to escape the robbers. In this, the entire treasure and all the items of the king were in perfect, untouched condition. 35 boards of models were also found in this treasure, which were probably used by the king’s followers was buried with him to make the King’s afterlife journey easier.


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