Unveiling the Secrets of the Hidden Pyramids of Maya

In the east of Mexico, there is a dense forest that stretches for thousands of miles, and you can only see trees in the distance. In the middle of this dense forest, there is a place where a small path through the rocks leads into the depths of the ground. A team of archaeologists decided to go into this tunnel-like tunnel. They believed that there is something abnormal in this cave. Because this path was very narrow and was submerged in black darkness, it was not safe to go inside without professional equipment. After several hours of hard work, the archaeologists had now reached the bottom of the cave 230 feet below. At first, they did not see anything special here, but then suddenly he saw a secret chamber whose entrance was closed with stones.

But the question is, who had this secret chamber at the bottom of the cave 200 feet below the ground in this desolate jungle and when and why was it closed? Welcome to ZaymTV’s videos again. Welcome back to our channel. This dense forest located in the east of Mexico is spread over an area of approximately 300,000,000 sq. km. The secrets of the lost world of Maya civilization hidden under the shade of the trees of this ocean are still hidden. For thousands of years, this entire forest was under the control of the Maya civilization, where they had built pyramids in their cities like the ancient Egyptians. And along with this, they were also very good at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyphic writing, calendar making, mathematics and architectural artwork. The ancient Mayans had built a total of 60 cities in this area, where large palaces, pyramids and temples were built. Each city had a different king, whom the Mayans considered their god.

Some of these city buildings are still in good condition and a large number of tourists come to visit them daily. But in this dense forest, where there is no proper road network, the secrets of the Maya civilization that lived thousands of years ago are hidden in many structures and cities. Some have been buried underground, while others have been illuminated by the shadows of trees. But modern technology has helped us find the hidden Mayan cities and their structures. Experts can now use LiDAR technology to identify structures hidden beneath the trees. LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a technology that uses laser pulses to send data from an airplane to the ground. These laser pulses bypass the trees and collide with the ground to reach the sensors on the airplane, and then this data is processed to create a shape of the ground.

It is just like the X-ray that makes a map of our body’s bones. Surprisingly, more than 4,500 ruins of Mayan civilization have been found so far. But experts believe that the Mayans had actually built more structures than this. This question is not so important as to how many structures the Mayans had built thousands of years ago. Rather, the real mystery is that where did the Mayans go, leaving behind such a large population of the entire city? Did they lose their land or did the sky fall on them? Despite being so skilful, what did they become weak in that they are not even known to us today? With the help of LiDAR technology, archaeologists first know where the Mayan ruins are located in the jungle. And then they go there physically and excavate the site.

In the Yucatan region near the Gulf of Mexico, archaeologists found the ruins of a small village ruins. This village is called Keeweek, where a local king in the year 800, that is, 1200 years ago, cut 20,000 stones and built a 30 feet high pyramid. Ancient Mayans normally buried their king in a royal chamber inside the pyramid.

For this reason, archaeologists decided to dig a shaft from the top of the pyramid to the bottom of it to find out if there is a royal chamber inside the pyramid. And if there is, what is there in it? After digging 21 feet, the archaeologist found a stone that was completely flat on one side. This stone was quite different from others because this shape of stone is not used to make a pyramid, but the Mayans used it to support the roof of a room, as can be seen on the ceiling of this structure. This special stone was a sign that a tomb was also made inside this pyramid. After further digging, the archaeologist finally found what he was looking for. Surprisingly, a room foundation and some stairs were found in the basement of the apartment. Along with this, nothing special was found from the ground, but a broken part of a clay pot was found.

This small piece of pottery confused the archaeologist in further questions. The age of this part of the pottery was found through radiocarbon dating, was built in the year 500, which is about 1500 years ago. What is surprising is that the pyramid itself was built 1200 years ago, but this piece of pottery was built 300 years before the pyramid. And in the eyes of archaeologists, this is not possible at all. To know why this is not possible, we have to look at history.

History tells us that this part of Yucatan was considered to be in the Nathuran Maya. And in the year 500, when this chamber inside the pyramid was built, the Mayans never came here. So now the biggest question is, if the Mayans didn’t build this royal chamber, then who built it? To find out the answer, a forest was examined near the Pyramid Ruins, hoping to find some special information. Archaeologists found a cave path between some stones 15 km away from the Pyramid site.

The entrance to the cave was very narrow and it was not safe to enter. So, professional equipment was used and 2 to 3 cave experts were sent inside. After several hours, the experts had reached 230 feet below the cave’s bottom, where they were surprised to see a secret chamber. The entrance to this chamber was closed with a stone. When the chamber’s entrance was opened, they saw something inside that was beyond anyone’s imagination. Yes, 230 feet below the ground, many used fire torches were found in this secret chamber of the cave, which were used to light the fire in the ancient times.

Apart from fire torches, large quantities of broken pots of clay were also found here. These pieces of pots were the same as those found 15 km away from the basement. It seemed as if this place was a place of worship where people used to come to break pots to fulfill their wishes. When some of the pieces of the pots were tried to be re-assembled, another surprising fact was revealed. It was noticed that the pot never got complete after being joined together. In fact, one piece of the pot would always get short. No one understood this strange mystery that why one piece of the broken pots was missing.

Archaeologists suspected that these people would break the pots, but they would take one piece of it with them and keep it in their homes. and kept it inside their house. In the Yogyakarta region, the ceramic pot found at the bottom of the pyramid ruin was actually brought from the bottom of this cave. This was clear evidence that before the Mayans came to this village of Kiwi, there were some people who used to go to this cave and do their religious practice. And their lifestyle was almost like that of the Maya civilizations. In the cave, where ceramic pots were broken, archaeologists found a way to go further in the cave. Experts decided to go further in the cave to get more evidence.

After a little further, experts found another secret chamber where there were some patterns on the walls of the stone that are mind-blowing. At the deepest point of the cave, there was a 3D painting of a jaguar on the stone. Not only that, but in another painting on the walls, the jaguar was also seen hunting a deer. and paintings in the other Maya caves, such paintings he was seeing for the first time in his life. When detailed analysis of these paintings was done, it was found that this year was made in 100 BC, that is, about 2100 years ago. And these paintings were made here 800 years before the Mayans came from the south. Now, one thing has been proven from this new evidence, One thing was proven that there was a civilization in this village of Kivik before the Mayans came from the south.


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