What Are the Best Coding Languages to Start With in 2024?

These are different domains in tech. And according to these different domains, we have to learn different programming languages. Second thing, all the beginners should know that if we want to make our career in software engineering, then we will not learn only one programming language in our entire life.

We have to do many different things in tech. A good job, a good placement, a good job, placement, internship in tech. So over the time we are going to learn multiple programming languages. But if we make a solid grip on one good programming language in the beginning, then it becomes very easy for us to learn other programming languages and shift on them. So we have to focus on whichever language we pick as a beginner, we are making a solid grip on it. programming language of the students who are coming from B.Tech, B.Sc. or B.Sc. Computer Science background have a dream to make a good career in software engineering.

Generally, our dream is to get a good tech placement or tech internship in Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. So, generally, the majority of the tech companies, maximum tech companies, companies ask us in our interviews and coding test, data structures and algorithms, that is, they ask us about DSA. Now, we will not go into more detail about what is DSA. Basically, we have questions about coding that are asked to us. Now, we have already made a dedicated video about DSA, if you want to know about it. But to study DSA, we have multiple options for languages. That is, in Indian placements, when we have to prepare for DSA, we have three top options. Either we can learn Java, or we can learn C++, or we can learn Python. Now, personally, I will not advise you to learn Python for DSA, because first of all, Python is slow as compared to Java and C++.

And second point, we will not get good resources for DSA in Python. That is why, my advice would be that if we have to go in the field of software engineering, and we know that I have to prepare for an internship and placement in software engineering, then first of all, we have to learn DSA. And for that, there are two best languages, one is Java and the other is C++. Now, you can learn any of the two, both are equally good languages. In many colleges, our curriculum starts with Java. If you want to learn Java, you will get a playlist on your college. And in many colleges, coding starts with C++, so we have made a one-shot of that too. We can access that too.

is websites web development web development but my personal advice is that you should always start with javascript javascript is one of the most popular language used for web development but before learning javascript many students prefer learning html and css although these two are not in the programming languages category but if you want to learn html and css languages programming language, but best programming language is for all these themes, I will advise you to start with Python.

Because in Python, one of the best resources, one of the best libraries are available to learn and implement machine learning. So if we want to learn the basics of Python, then for the basics, we have made a one-shot on our college, we can access that. The fourth goal that can be in our mind is that I want to learn how to make apps. Now, to make apps, we have two options. One is that we can make apps for Android and the other is that we can make apps for iOS. Generally, if we look at the job market, the jobs for Android development are more as compared to iOS development.

That’s why maximum students go towards Android development. For Android development, the best language to start with Java. If we want to make apps for iOS development, then I would advise you to start with Swift. There is another option in app development that we write code for iOS and Android at once and our app runs on both devices. We call them cross-platform apps.

So if you want to go in the direction of cross-platform apps, then I would advise you to start with React Native. React Native is not a programming language. React Native is a framework which is based on JavaScript. So, we have to learn JavaScript first. After that, we can learn React Native as a framework. Next goal of students is game development. Two languages are popular for game development. One is C++ and another is C-sharp. Since C++ is already taught in many colleges and you will get more resources.

So I would advise you to start in game development with C++. So we can start with it and make some projects. If we talk about job market, then maximum jobs available in today’s date are available in the field of software engineering and development. So we can prepare our mindset accordingly as to what kind of jobs we have to prepare. to prepare for jobs. Now whenever we talk about coding languages, it is not that all the coding languages we have discussed are only these. There are many other programming languages like Golang, C-sharp, Dart.

But generally all these languages are for very specific use cases. Generally we cannot do many things in these. These languages are very specific and company wise. So my advice is that if we want to learn these, we can shift to these once we become in maximum programming languages are similar in logic.

It is possible that the way of writing code may change, but the logic is same in all languages. If you are still confused about what should be our goal and which programming language should we pick, then according to the current job market scenario, I will give you my personal opinion. If we are students of B.Tech or B.C.A and we are students of first, second or third year, then it will be better for me that the web development direction and for that the second programming language we have to learn is JavaScript.

So, this will cover our DSA, our projects will be made which are very important for resume. So, in both directions we will be able to explore things in one way and our best chances will be of getting a good internship or a good placement. Second case is of those students who are in 4th year of B.Tech or 3rd year of B.C.A or in some other degree but we have to take job in IT field so for all these students I will advise that you should start with web development because it’s a very practical skill also we have less time so we should learn web development and make our projects well and should find a job on the basis of our practical skill so for that my advice will be that we should start with javascript and start making projects of web development as soon as possible.

Second best option is app development. For that we can learn Java. I have advised you to learn web development because Java script as a language is easy to learn for students as compared to Java for app development. Third case is for those students who don’t want to make a career in tech but want to learn coding based on their interest or want to know what coding is so we want to learn it based on our interest.

All these students the is our tech career is going to be good. So, don’t waste time in deciding to learn this or that or this. You can learn everything with time. Just start as soon as possible. That is the most important thing. So, I wish you all the best in your tech journey.


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