What’s Really Hidden Below the Ice of Antarctica? A Closer Look

The mysterious and mysterious world of Antarctica is full of mysteries. Some of them have been solved, but many are still not under the scrub of science. What world is under the thick ice and how does the 10 lakh year old ice cube that we get from here take us back to the past of our Earth by time travel? Welcome to the world of Ice. The world’s bottom, or South Pole, is recorded at 4.7 km deep. This is so deep that 5 of Burj Khalifa’s buildings can be built on top of each other. Millions of years of history are buried in this ice. First, we will learn about the hidden life under the ice. In 2022, researchers saw an extraordinary sign on the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica with the help of satellite images.

They were suspicious of it when the sign that looked like a crack could only be seen in photos after 2021. Before that, there was no such sign there. To investigate this crack, he set up a camera in front of a hot water drill and started drilling here. He had to stop the drill at a depth of about 500 meters because the camera on the drill had recorded a strange world view hidden under Antarctica. A secret river was passing through the ice shelf, in which thousands of amphipods were present in a cave. This type of shrimp, which is also called Jhinga, was very similar to amphipods, which was looking very active due to the arrival of the drill.

But the question is, where did the amphipods come from and what do they eat to stay alive? Experts believe that the whales eat dead, decomposed plants. This means that there must be plants in this secret river of Antarctica that they eat and live their lives. Number 6. The deepest point of the sea is Challenger Deep, the second deepest point is the Brownstone Deep, and the third deepest point is the Factorian Deep in the Southern Ocean of Antarctica. It was discovered in 2019 and is estimated to be 7,437 meters deep. The Factorian Deep has been detected near Antarctica.

A sonar scanner is installed on the ship and it is operated on the icy water of the Southern Sea. The map of the sea floor created by sonar scanning has 1200 tests. But researchers still are not able to find out how this point was created and what is the connection with the nearby sea floor.

Number 5. In 2022, a cruise line passenger from Antarctica saw a huge jellyfish in the water. The cruise operator deployed a submersible and took the passengers to show them the jellyfish in the water. It was a huge jellyfish, about 33 feet in the oceans. But this has been observed at the sea level of Antarctica. Researchers have not yet confirmed what such a large jellyfish is doing in this region, and that too at the sea level. Number 4. Researchers found evidence of ancient rainforests in the snow, which is 9 crore years old. This is the evidence of the world of Discovery Antarctica, which was lost years ago. This fossilized forest has also been discovered below the ocean floor covered with snow, where the roots of trees, pollen and their seeds have been found.

Radiocarbon dating shows that they belong to the Cretaceous Period. That was the time when the Earth’s atmosphere was hot due to the high carbon dioxide. These fossils show a map of Antarctica where green valleys and colorful fields used to be. The burning coal is a sign that Antarctica’s rainforest was present here for billions of years, which has now been converted into fossil fuel. Number 3. Many meteorites have been found in Antarctica’s barren snow. This is not just a stone, but a proof of a vast universe. Many of these meteorites are related to our neighbour planet Mars. One of these meteorites is ALH84001 and it is the oldest object in our solar system. It is about 4.5 billion years old.

This meteorite made headlines in 1996 when scientists announced that they have found evidence of micro-fossils in the meteorite from Mars. This means that when this meteorite broke off from Mars and came here, life was present on Mars at that time. Scientists are trying to find life on Mars today because of these claims. This meteorite gave scientists a chance to research the atmosphere of Mars and its volcanic activity. Some of the minerals found in this ice cube are only found in water, which is proof that the water used to flow in large quantities on Mars. Number 2.

Many of us wonder how scientists are so accurate about the past atmosphere of the Earth. This mystery is also found in the ice cubes. Ice has not melted here for thousands or lakhs of years, which means that the air bubbles in the ice cubes are still preserved. To reach here, the entire core of the ice is drilled and taken out. The deeper the core is taken out, the easier it will be to go back in time. The air bubbles in every layer of ice have preserved the atmospheric conditions of every year.

These are ancient air bubbles that have never been disturbed for thousands of years. Scientists have been able to study the gases present in them and paint a re-picture of the ancient era of the Earth’s climate cycle changed after 40,000 years. After that, this cycle started changing after 1 lakh years, which is still going on. With the help of these ice cores, it has become very easy to predict the future climate of the Earth. Like, after every 1000 years, which storms and floods have been coming in the world since the beginning of time. And when they are going to come next, all these predictions are made with the help of these ice cores. And now number 1. In 1950, a huge mountain range has been discovered under the ice sheets of Antarctica, which is called the Gambert-Syph mountain range.

The mountains of this mountain range is 3,000 meters high. But surprisingly, this mountain is very different from the other mountains in the world. Normally, the area in which these mountains are present should be very old. But their construction shows that they are not that old. Their presence several kilometers below the snow has also troubled scientists. Because mountains are mostly made up of the movement of tectonic plates, but there is no such movement in Antarctica. Which means that these mountains have risen due to the boiling of the magma in the ground. But scientists still have no proof of this.


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